Where can I find a Multi-Monitor Computer, and Multi-Screen LCD Display, for Day Trading?
Question by james: Where can I find a Multi-Monitor Computer, and Multi-Screen LCD Display, for Day Trading?
Where can I find a Multi-Monitor Computer, and Multi-Screen Quad LCD Display (for Day Trading) for less than $ 3,500?
I found one company, but their prices were ridiculous!
I trade Stocks and Forex, On-line, and I want to know where to get one of those Multiple Monitor Computers, like I always see in the infomercials. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I'm not interesting in adding extra video cards, and all that complicated stuff. I just want a multi-monitor ready computer, so I can start trading.
Best answer:
Answer by Tech Guy
The absolute best place is:
I compared prices, when I purchased my 6 LCD Mega System, and they were way lower, than the other companies I found! They have a brand of Multiple Monitor Computers called SUPER PC, and mine is a lifesaver. I trade using Wizetrade Software, so it makes things a lot easier. I also like to watch movies, while I work, on the other screens! YAY!
At Multi-Monitors.com, I know They have:
Multi-Monitor Computers
Multi-Screen LCD Displays
Multi-Monitor LCD Stands
Multiple Monitor Adapters
Hope that helps you out bro!
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